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What would you like to say about the bases of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Selection for a special higher honor on the IWD on March 8th. She shall be honored subject to her consent and convenient venue, any time during this year.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, who is the President of “GBA”, chaired the final meeting today and addressed the house as under:
Mr respected colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
“I am privileged to announce that Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who was born in Tehran, Iran on December 4th,1953 is an exceptional Iranian politician, who is the President elect of National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) since 1993.
She is the wife of Massoud Rajavi, founder of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI).
“NCRI is a wide coalition of democratic Iranian organizations.
The principles of this Council are opposed to the Islamic Republic regime, since they are regularly releasing a wave of their terror and oppression over the innocent Iranians who support a free Iran with freedom of a democratic country.
The principles of this Council are opposed to the Islamic Republic regime, since they are regularly releasing a wave of their terror and oppression over the innocent Iranians who support a free Iran with freedom of a democratic country.
“Mrs. Rajavi’s political career started at the age of 22 and was enrolled as a member of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), which is an Iranian organization founded in 1965 by a group of intellectuals led by Muhammad Hanifnejad.
“Rajavi served as an organizer of the anti-Shah student movement in the 1970s and in 1979, became an official of the social section of the PMOI/MEK, where she served until 1981.
“During that time, Rajavi was a parliamentary candidate in 1980. In 1985, she became Joint-leader of the PMOI and served in that capacity till 1989 when she became the Secretary General until 1993.
In 2003, Rajavi’s offices were raided by French police. She was placed under arrest and the assets of the NCRI were frozen by the French government. Rajavi’s supporters protested her arrest by demonstration until her release.
Dr. Raj Baldev, GBA President continued his speech:
“In short, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, surmounted all obstacles like a great brave woman in this world, the surrounding of which are highly complicated with no smooth going.”
“NIA, which is now GBA, had an old sympathy with Rajavi’s movement of free Iran and appreciated her ideologies, as she framed her 10 points. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi has been selected by the Executive Committee of the GBS for the rare honor for International Women’s Day, which is to fall on March 8th, 2014 on the following basis:
1. She is a great courageous lady in country’s politics like Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then India’s Prime Minister and Leader of the Non-aligned Movement.
2. She has proved to be such an outstanding personality, which can safely and justifiably be compared with Mother Teresa in the area of social services.
3. She has been struggling for the real freedom of Iranians from the Mullah’s dictatorial and authoritarian regime for over a decade, which has been sprinkling a regular tyrannical burst of poisonous oppression over the innocent citizens of Iran right from the first day of their ruling.
4. She has been drawing the non-stop attention of the world leaders to put a halt to the acts of Mullaha’s regime of Iran in the area of totalitarian and massacres of the innocent Iranians, in and out of Iran, which they regularly device directly and indirectly.
5. She has been protecting all the Iranians stationed in different countries as UN official refugees from the most cruel, hard and inhuman acts of Iran’s Mullaha’s Regime, through her strong appeals and bringing such atrocities to the notice of most important world leaders including UN and US so as to get the agonies of innocent suffering of Iranians ended or minimized to the maximum possible extent.
6. She always acted within the framework of the United Nations and United States, the champions of Human Rights; she drew their attention possibly on all acts of gross violations by the Mullaha’s regime of Iran.
7. Her life which is dedicated to the cause of humanity, in general, and Iranians in particular, is also among the above given seven grounds on which Mrs. Rajavi has been selected for this rare honor for the International Women’s Day which is to fall on March 8th, 2014.”
“To be brief on IWD, it is marked on March 8th every year, throughout the world by way of different way of celebrating or announcing the befitting honor, which inspire others. The GBA has now started this noble mission for March 8th every year, of course, in their own way of recognizing and honoring the great and forceful women in the world, who are unparalleled like Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, a great inspiration for others. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi is second to one in the world today as per GBA’s analysis in the patriotism towards her country Iran and its countrymen.
While concluding his speech, Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, GBA President, said: “I on behalf of my organization GBA and on my own behalf congrat to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and all her supporters in the world: and it shall be a great message for the dignity of women and their supreme, unmatched and unequal strength if once any of them like Mrs. Rajavi, vows to do it.”
The house clapped in honor of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi with standing ovations, an immense respect that she also commands in India.
This year, three top International women were selected in three regions, United States, Iran and India, they are Mrs. Obama Michelle, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and Ms. Sonia Gandhi.
Excellent choice well deserved. Mrs. Rajavi’s outmost quality as a woman is the position as a Muslim she has against fundamentalist, and Islamist terrorist. Her position is from deep understanding of Islam and following the rules of Islam. Ironically, a Moslem and women, she is the only solution for the whole world to stop the influence of Islamist terrorism.